Students self-report their requirements in this public form
Share the Gift of
Healing and Peace
When you give to the Five Lights Center, 100% of your donation goes directly to providing scholarships for students who are working in the community to bring healing through the power of Shiatsu.
Oftentimes those most passionate about offering Shiatsu therapy are also in need of support to be able to afford tuition. Your donation goes directly to these students, helping them receive access to the training they need to become dedicated Shiatsu practitioners.
As a part of their scholarship fulfillment, students commit to serving their communities by offering Shiatsu services at free and low cost clinics making Shiatsu accessible to all in need of healing. Through this program, your gift will create ripples of support through countless lives.
We are honored to serve so many. Through your generosity, we can continue to expand our reach by offering scholarships to motivated students in need. If you have experienced the peace and power of Shiatsu and want to help bring that to
others, please make a donation today.
You can donate here, or if you prefer to donate by check, make check payable to
Five Lights Center of Shiatsu and mail to:
Five Lights Center of Shiatsu
220 West 93rd Street #12D
New York, NY 10025
As a 501(c)(3), donations made to our center are tax deductible.
Purpose: A nonprofit educational and cultural organization dedicated to the promotion and understanding of the Eastern Healing Arts.
Activities: Education of the Eastern Healing Arts towards self-care and preventive health, in maintaining a good quality of life.
Operations: Helping to establish a more peaceful and meaningful world by teaching people how to touch with love, kindness and purpose.